Monday, March 20, 2017

Battletech Alpha Strike - ruins throw down!

My force. Two mech lances, a hover tank lance and a group of battle armored infantry.

The ever present Crockett!

Bryan's force. Two mech lances, four half strength vehicle lances and so BA infantry.

These mechs pack a punch.

Both sides pushes into the ruined factory in the center.

The Edgars and Pegasus tanks will use their speed to rush the center.

The Assault mechs with the Hauberk battle armor trudge forward.

The Medium-ish lance is to the right side.

Bryan's Command lance holds the center, they are all monsters at any range.

Hover tanks sheltering in the ruins.

Every single enemy targeted the Stalker and brought it down.

But not before an SRM carrier...

and the Kintaro were wrecked.

I put all of my tonnage in the ruins.

All of our hover tank units were racing around his command lance.

A Patton burns.

Bryan's second lance is just getting into combat.

But they have a warm reception waiting.

The Cicada nabs the Rifleman and survives the Condor's attacks.
The Crockett takes out a Condor.

The Fire Javelin gets the last SRM carrier and I lose a Edgar.

Bryan's battle armored troops ready to jump onto the building.

The Blackjack is ripped apart by long range fire.

The Commando then falls to the last of my hover tanks, who survive the return fire.

The Cicada does a lot of damage to the Jaegermech but is taken out by the Saracens.

The last Patton held out for a while.

The Fire Javelin decided to get sneaky.

The slow moving Hauberk's finally get into the fight and take out the last Condor tank.

The Fire Javelin puts damage on the Cataphract.

The Patton's end had come as the King Crab closed with it.

The Flashman took out the Jaegermech and the Battlemaster bagged the Highlander.

Putting the squeeze on the Saracens.

My Grenadier battle armor took out a Saracen with a crit to the cockpit!

Bryan's battle armor kept putting heat on my mechs with their flamethrowers.

The Cyclops and Cataphract were able to finish off the damaged Battlemaster and King Crab.

But in the end the last mech was surrounded and taken out.

And my heavy battle armored infantry finished off his troopers.