Warhammer Horus Heresy V.2
Recently I joined a local Warhammer Age of Darkness (Horus Heresy) Escalation League. I did so to help motivate me to consistently paint up my 30k Imperial Fist. I have a terrible habit of starting super excited about a new hobby project and then getting distracted after a month or so. For the blog I am going to post a few photos of each game and perhaps some modeling progress as well.
My first game was a 750 point game against another Imperial Fist army. My list was tailored well for the mission and that helped me win this first game.
Deployment for both forces. |
My opponent had a Phalanx Warder squad that would be tough to deal with. |
One of my tactical squads putting fire down on them. |
The snipers got to work early. Taking out those artificer sergeants! |
We dropped Dorn down to keep an eye on this training mission! |
Two squads and my centurion charged his warders. |
My Castaferrum dreadnought took care of another of his squads. |
Nice field of fire. |
I lost a tactical squad before killing all his warders. |
This was a fun, quick, small points game. The snipers did good work and even a Castaferrum Dreadnought was tough to deal with.This first game really got me excited for the upcoming weeks!