I just received my order from
HEER 46 and wow, these miniatures are great!
I'll do a review of the miniatures I order next week, but for now here is a preview...
But for today I want to look at the canvas covers for the German Sd Kfz 251 half tracks I ordered from HEER 46.
First off, I love variety in my forces, and when I saw these "planen" I knew I wanted to pick some up.
I have a over thirty German armored half tracks and anything to break up the uniformity is very welcome.
Various 251's with canvas covers on over the fighting compartment. |
A 251/9 with the rear of the compartment covered. |
A early 251, this is also a early Battlefront model. |
One of BF's new resin and plastic 251's. |
Most of the fighting compartment covered. |
The set comes with 4 different one-piece canvas covers for around $6.50. I also bought the American M3 half track covers, but I haven't assembled them yet. These are a great buy and I recommend checking out all the conversion bits at HEER46. I received my order from Germany to the state in just over a week, not bad.