I just wanted to put out a quick post this week. I have been loving Rubicon Models 1/56th (28mm) tanks! As someone who really likes the M4 sherman tank there really isn't a better model company for the sherman than Rubicon.
To start with, I love the scale, these 1/56th scale are small enough to display and store but also are wonderfully detailed. Also Rubicon includes all the small detailed bits for fine scale modeling, but lists them as optional if you are just building these for Bolt Action or other gaming. I had built many 1/35th scale models before moving to 1/48th scale as my main model scale until I first saw some of these kits. Rubicon is relatively new company that is doing most things right in my book. They are very engaged with the modeling community and active at shows and they are expanding their range in a slow, steady fashion, always improving as they go. I have to admit that I check their facebook page almost daily to see what they are working on and I post there more often than any other pages. I'll stop fanboying now but it is very refreshing to build a kit every few months and just have a great time doing so, not some mad rush to paint an army in a short time.
First up is a Russian pair. An M4A2 76mm lend-lease sherman and a T-34/85 Model 44. The fact that Rubicon is working on all the specific variants of the M4 sherman is incredibly exciting, I will have them all! The M4A2 was the diesel powered version preferred by the Red Army. As you may know from earlier posts, I have a great interest in lend-lease Soviet tanks, mainly due to reading Dmitriy Loza's book on them.
A M4A2 76mm Sherman and A T-34/85. |
I modeled them off of historical photos (loosely). |
The bucket and log placement are from a picture. |
I really like how this tank turned out! |
The tank crew are from Warlord Games as Rubicon hadn't released any when I bought the model. |
Various stowage and a bamboo shish kabob skewer as a log. |
I do like the metal Warlord Games commander. |
The T-34/85 is one of Rubicons earlier kits and is less detailed than the new shermans. |
This kit came with an extra 76mm turret and the ability to make a Model 43 or 44 turret. |
Next up is a Sherman Firefly IC Hybrid. This is a M4 composite hull sherman with the QF 17 pounder gun added. The M4 composite with a welded M4 rear with a cast armor front hull. Once again a less common version of the sherman that Rubicon has made a great kit of. I almost made this a regular US M4 composite as these were distributed to anyone who used the standard M4. But the Firefly won me over in the end. I was excited to paint this sherman in something other than OD green like my US shermans but then upon looking more into it, seems like the British kept the shermans in their original paint like the Russian did.
That gun does seem more imposing! |
Some extra armor. |
Really liking the minimal colors and marking. |
Currently I am working on a Rubicon M10 tank destroyer, so more drab color. However I am also just starting on a Rubicon Panzer IV G and a Itelari 1/56th scale Panther A to test out my new(ish) airbrush!