Warhammer Horus Heresy V.2
My third game in the escalation league was against Imperial Fists again! This was the last 1500 point game we played and I brought out my Recon Company again. My opponent was using a powerful deep strike army with Alexis Polux and 10 Huscarls!
My full force. |
I was running 10 Recon Marines, 10 Scout Marines, 10 Seekers (in a Rhino), a 10 man Tactical Squad and two Contemptor Dreadnoughts. For characters I had two Centurions, one as a Delagatus with a power axe and stormshield and the second as a Vigilator with sniper rifle. The main focus of this army is infiltrating all over the board (much easier to do in these smaller games) and getting the first turn to shoot everything! In this game my opponent only had two small Recon Marine squads on the board first turn. They did not survive till the end of the turn! Then all that was left was his deepstrike force.
The board after the first turn. |
The only picture of one of the two enemy recon squads. They didn't survive the first turn. |
Lots of Interceptor reactions. But the Huscarls stood tough. |
I missed a few turns of pictures but the Huscarls and Dreadnoughts fought it out for several turns. But in the end the Contemptors crushed them (many were killed by snipers and lascannon shots before the close combat). Polux and his squad took several turns but eventually broke my Tactical Squad and he crushed my Centurion. But that left him standing alone in front of the Seekers... who took care of business.
Storm Shields and Solarite Gauntlets are tough, but Dreadnoughts are tougher! |

My Centurion took Polux down to one wound but was crushed by a giant gauntlet in return. |
The game quickly went my way, but we played until the brutal end with Alexis Polux taking on all comers. His big squad of Huscarls was really tough with their stormshields, but they took so many strength 9 hits that any failed 3+ save killed them outright, and they eventually all dropped.