I have always been a fool for Warhammer 40k dreadnoughts. I can still remember visiting my cousin who played Warhammer 40k and seeing these cool space marines, and then noticing this giant killer robot! He then let me know what a dreadnought was, and I was hooked! That was the original 90's metal Castraferrum Dreadnought. The thing was tiny, by today's standard, and super heavy.
When I decided to play Horus Heresy I knew that I needed Contemptor Dreadnoughts, then that grew to Leviathan Dreadnoughts. But after playing more games of Horus Heresy V2, and feeling slightly guilty about how good Contemptors are, I was drawn back to my roots with the old box dreads. They are, in my opinion, amazing for their points costs. They are easier to kill but still just as skilled as the bigger dreads.
Over the course of the local game shops Horus Heresy Escalation League my Castraferrum Dreadnoughts were the MVP's of my armies. I would run most of them with a Lascannon/Fist combo and add searchlights (as I love fighting at night). These dreads would advance slowly and target vehicles with the lascannon, then when the enemy got close they would wade in with their dreadnought close combat weapons. Many met their end at the hands of tooled up characters or enemy Contemptor Dreadnoughts but they always were worth their points cost.
An example of my four different Dreadnought miniatures. |
That is a lot of heavy metal! |
And half dead Astartes. |
A few weeks ago I ran across some STL files for the old grandaddy dreadnought, the Rogue Trader era Furibundus Dreadnought! The original, nearly 40 year old, Furibundus model has not held up compared to modern 40k designs. However, some really talented 3d artists have created their own takes on the classic design. There are several different versions of the Furibundus Dreadnought on various sites but I settled on this one by Boredpilot. I cannot praise this model enough! The design is supper easy to print, even by me, a total novice. I use an older Elegoo Mars Pro for my printing and everything turned out great. It even has an interior, with a interred Space Marine!
I have been running them as Castraferrum Dreadnoughts but they could easily be used as Contemptors.
I have fallen for these goofy-looking designs. |
The main aesthetic is true to the old model, but the details are modern. |
Details are sharp and clear. |
I painted these first two in a traditional Imperial Fist scheme. |
Weapons are modular. I can add all different arms. |
I even magnetized one, so you can see the pilot. |
Stomping on a Word Bearer. |